The Safe Routes for All Citywide Active Transportation Plan Final Draft document is now available! Visit the Projects Document page to view and download the document.

What is the Safe Routes for All Plan?

The Safe Routes for All Citywide Active Transportation Plan will create a roadmap for citywide active transportation improvements, enabling residents and visitors to more safely and conveniently walk, bike, roll, and ride throughout New Haven! The plan will build on previous studies and plans, and create a comprehensive set of priorities and recommendations to set the City on a path to implementing safe routes for all New Haven residents.

What is Active Transportation?

‘Active transportation’ refers to all forms of transportation that rely on human power (walking, bicycling, scooting, skating, etc.).

Why plan for Active Transportation?

Because it’s fundamental public infrastructure! Every New Haven resident, of all ages and abilities, has the right to safely access jobs, public services, and other destinations without needing a car. Supporting active transportation is also healthier for residents, and can reduce rates of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic ailments. Finally, planning for and providing infrastructure to support active transportation can advance equity. Years of autocentric urban planning has created neighborhoods disconnected from urban centers, resulting in diminished access to jobs and overall quality of life.

What do Active Transportation projects look like?